From September on National Geographic Wild USA are on air several episodes of VET SCHOOL where you can follow Dr RobertoSantilli along with the rest of the team of cardiologists at Cornell University while doing interventions on several patients including Millie, in the second episode of the first series “day one “. Millie is an English bulldog with severe pulmonary valve stenosis complicated by coronary anomaly and advanced heart failure.


Boehringer I. Spain and the Order of Veterinarians of Madrid organized a masterclass of electrocardiography with the participation of Dr. Roberto Santilli and dr. Maria Dolores Vazquez Porteiro. During the seminar were analyzed several cases of clinical cardiology with emphasis on rhythm disorders, evaluating the electrocardiographic and echocardiographic findings, intracavitary mapping and different treatment options. The seminar was attended by 70 colleagues from different Spanish provinces.

ARRHYTHMIAS COURSE – 23th – 25th June 2015 – Moscow – (Russia)

From the 23th to 25th of June 2015 Dr. Roberto Santilli gave a course on veterinary arrhythmology in Moscow (Russia). The course was attended by several veterinarians from different cities of the federation. During the lectures we have examined the main heart rhythm disorders of dogs and cats analysing the electrocardiographic appearance, the electrophysiological mechanism and the medical or electrical therapy. The participants showed much interest in the subject. We thank Dr. Maria Nazarova for the great work of simultaneous translation and the Clinic Komodor for hospitality.


Danny is a Rottweiler male two years old with a severe hypoplastic pulmonary valve stenosis. With the help of the Otto Foundation, Danny underwent at the Veterinary Clinic Malpensa to anballoon valvuloplasty with low and high pressure devices, which unfortunately did not allow to fully solve the obstruction of the right ventricle. In the future thanks to Otto Foundation, Danny will undergo to a right ventriculotomy with the patch-graft technique.


Hello Dr. Perego and Dr. Santilli, by Giorgio and Rex, I’m really happy for what you have done for Rex and I shall be eternally grateful , I would find a way to repay you for what you did to Rex , when I look at him , this is the best I can ask why it is still here so happy, he still want to live. This experience began tragically for Rex just a month ago he had passed on desperately on me , then thank you and the staff of the Clinica Veterinaria Malpensa , the Portoni Rossi Hospital and the fondazione Otto you have decided to help us, this experience has become positive for the future of Rex and for mine. Needless to explain the suffering of Rex, you’ve seen the best of me, and you see it every day , I had one of my huge sense of helplessness and hopelessness , I was really lucky to meet you and thanks to you has passed.


FLO a Golden Retriever, female, one and a half year old with a severe pulmonary stenosis withhypoplastic wide fibrotic subvalvular component. The pathology of Flo induced severe right heart failure with deterioration of health conditions. Despite the execution of a balloon valvuloplasty with low and high pressure device, the stenosis of Flo has not been reduced. The 30th April 2014 with the support of the Foundation Otto, Flo has undergone a ventriculotomy with patch- graft at the Clinica Veterinaria Malpensa , which allowed to increase the diameter of the pulmonary outflow tract drastically reducing the clinical signs and bringing Flo to a normal life again.


CAMILLO (Varese , Italy), one of the association Shelter for Stray had serious episodes of cyanosis after minimal effort . Echocardiography showed a complex congenital condition called tetralogy of Fallot . At the Veterinary Clinic Malpensa , with the help of the Committee for the Otto Foundation, it was possible to make a heart surgery (arteriovenous anastomoses – Blalock – Taussig technique modified) to increase blood oxygenation . At 48 hours after surgery , CAMILLO was discharged in good clinical condition.


We are very happy to know that the operation of 30 August for the installation of pacemaker to Boris, beautiful boxer, was successful and he is recovering.

“An efficient word of mouth and the appeal of Annalisa on the website “Adopt a Boxer for the life” we ​​have been touched and moved and we had to finance this intervention, because our dream for a few years is to create a Foundation for research and the treatment of cardiopulmonary diseases of dogs and cats. Thank you first of all to Otto, our beloved dachshund that kicked off this whole chain of love and the memory of which will be dedicated to our Otto Foundation. And then Carla, mother of Boris that has become these days our dear friend, and Anna, who has a dedication and a love for what he does overtime. Last but not least, Dr. Santilli, who agreed to put Boris in the funding program of the Committee of incorporation of the Foundation and Otto and who performed the operation. We hope that this is the first step of collaboration between private, voluntary associations and doctors because all our animal friends can have love and veterinary care more efficient and affordable for all. A big hug to Boris.”

Tiziano Scalvi